In-person worship services are suspended till further notice.
ZOOM Events
Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...
Online Worship
At Home Resources
For Children & Families
Illustrated Ministry- Free (during COVI-19 outbreak) weekly resources for children and families
For Everyone
Caring for our Neighbors- Letter from the General Board of Church and Society
Three Things To Keep In Mind
Faith > fear. We’ll make it through this. As Christians, we believe in God’s faithfulness to us. And as modern citizens, we understand science and research. With those two things together, we’ll be fine.
2. Wash Your Hands
The medical community has made it clear that the chief thing we can do to lessen the impact of this virus is to wash our hands. Sing Amazing Grace twice or say the Lord’s Prayer while you’re washing to make sure you’ve washed long enough.
3.Stay Home and Flatten the Curve
If we all do our part we can slow the spread of COVID-19, giving our health care workers the time they need to treat those who need to receive critical and intensive care!
Three Things About Being The Church During This Time
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Take Communion
For the foreseeable future, we’ll share the sacrament of Holy Communion by intinction. If you’re feeling unwell or are worried about it, just take the bread (Communion of One Kind). Read more below.
Smile, wave, elbow tap
It’s wise during this time to refrain from close bodily contact. A fine substitute is to smile and wave, or elbow bump with folks in church. If you do shake hands or hug, be sure you wash your hands afterward.
Give Online
While we get sick, bills don’t. By signing up for online giving, you can help ensure the church’s continued operation and ability to care for the community of Yadkinville.
Signing up is quick, easy, and secure. Click the button below to sign up.
You can also call the office at (336)679-2243 and Bobbi will help you set up automatic giving
About Communion
Communion is "not only a sign of the love that Christians ought to have among themselves one to another, but rather is a sacrament of our redemption by Christ's death; insomuch that, to the rightly, worthily, and with faith receive the same the bread which we break is a partaking of the body of Christ; and likewise the cup of blessing is a partaking of the blood of Christ." The Articles of Religion of the Methodist Church "Article XVIII"
At Yadkinville UMC we celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month and on other holy days through out the year. We celebrate by intinction from a common cup. While the Bishop of the Western North Carolina Conference has given a special dispensation for the practice of virtual communion, for theological and community reasons YUMC will only practice and receive communion during in person worship.
We are guided by the theological standards of the UMC as laid out in the Book of Discipline and "This Holy Mystery" (the official UMC guide to practice and theology of Communion). "This Holy Mystery" is free to download here.
Practice and Hygiene
It is best practice (theologically and for hygiene) that those receiving communion be handed bread from the person serving. We do this to remember that the bread is a gift offered to us by God and not something we can take or earn for ourselves. Receiving the bread from one person also helps with hygiene, our servers clean their hands before handling the elements, so the only people handling the bread before anyone receives have sanitized hands.
What does science say?
"...scientific studies...make it clear that those who partake in Holy Communion have no higher incidence of illness that those who do not."-This Holy Mystery
That said, as a church we want to ensure the health and well being of all who receive.
What is Intinction?
Intinction is a way of taking communion
that invites you to take the piece of bread provided and dip it into the cup. To help with hygiene, we hand you a large enough piece of bread that you should be able to dip it into the cup without touching the liquid with your fingers. If you accidentally drop your bread into the cup, we are more than happy to give you a new piece of bread.
What is Communion of One Kind?
Communion of One Kind is the receiving of Communion by only taking either the bread or the cup. It is expressed in the ancient Christian doctrine of concomitance, this simply means that a physical ability to receive in either kind (bread, cup, or both) does not alter the benefits of the sacrament when you present yourself to receive it.
If you are feeling unwell, taking just the bread is an excellent idea.
Do I Have to Take Communion?
No. We believe that there is nothing that separates us from the love of god in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39) and that includes whether or not you share in communion.
If you are present on a communion Sunday and do not wish to receive you may come forward with your arms crossed for a blessing, remain in prayer in your pew, or visit the kneeling rail.