Greeter/Usher: You are are front line ministers of welcome and provide the first official point of contact with the congregation on Sunday morning. For the early service you aren’t just a greeter, manning the doors of the FLC. You are welcoming and assisting people as they arrive for worship. For the Late Service you both our greeters and our ushers. There will be 2 greeters assigned for the Contemporary service and 3 greeter/ushers for the Traditional.As you serve keep these guidelines in mind:
- Arrive 10-15 min before the service begins and stay until worship has begun
- Remain available to meet people and avoid interrogating newcomers
- Offer to help newcomers find the nursery, bathroom, or other areas of the church
- Help folks find seats
- Pass out bulletins
- When ushering make sure the plate gets passed to everyone
- Help older children, who are going, find the nursery after Children’s Time
Scripture Reader: The Pastor expects that if you are reading scripture in worship, you have a personal practice of scripture reading in your own devotional time. Not only reading the scripture you have been assigned to read, but also delving into other parts of the Bible for your own edification and growth. When you read scripture please read from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, this is the version in the pews, projected on the screen, and printed in the bulletin. Prompt the congregation at the end of the reading by saying “The Word of God for the People of God,” and they will respond with “Thanks Be To God.”
Nursery: There will be TWO people serving in the nursery for each service. If you are serving in the nursery, please be in the nursery 5-10 min before the start of service. Some children will spend the entire service in the nursery and some will be brought in by the ushers after children’s time. Everyone serving in the nursery must have had Safe Sanctuaries training within the last year.
Communion Servers: If you are serving as a communion server for the month, please spend some time in prayer and preparation for this holy moment before worship.
- When you come forward to help serve, the pastor will serve you communion first.
- If you are given bread you can say to each person: "The Body of Christ, broken for you.The Bread of Heaven, given for you"
- If you have the cup you can say: "The Blood of Christ, shed for you" or "The Cup of Salvation, given for you"
- For kids, get down on their level when offering communion.
- For little children, instead of the normal Body/ Blood of Christ offerings, you can say “This is God’s Love for you.”